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Student Classes 

All classes and seminars can be customized to fit your needs, whether you are looking for

one-on-one instruction or training for a group. 

Contact us to design a course of instruction specifically for you or your organization. 

NOTE: Range fees will apply and vary depending on the venue at which the training is conducted.  


NRA Gun Safety Seminar 
This is a 2 hour, non-shooting course that is conducted in the classroom only. Topics covered in the seminar include gun safety, storage, types of firearms and their parts, ammunition, cleaning, and what to expect at the range. There are no prerequisites for this seminar. $50/person

NRA Range Safety Officer
This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and at a shooting facility. Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions. Each Range Safety Officer Candidate will receive an RSO Student Study Guide, a Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, an NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and a Course Evaluation form. $200/person

NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting

This course is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience and is presented in the classroom and on the range. This 8 hour course provides instruction in safe gun handling, the various types of pistols, shooting fundamentals, ammunition, storage and gun cleaning. You will receive The Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook and a certificate upon successful completion of the course. There are no prerequisites for this course. $225/person + range fee



Course length: Classroom 8 hours

                     Range 4-6 hours

Cost: $285/person + range fee

Min. # of participants: 2

     This course teaches the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to carry a concealed pistol for personal defense.

     The NRA CCW Course is intended for individuals who possess basic firearms knowledge and can demonstrate safe handling and fundamental shooting skills. NRA-affiliation is not a requirement. This instructor-led only course gives you direct instruction from an NRA-certified instructor from beginning to end and takes place in a traditional classroom and range environment.

Course topics include the following:

  • Firearm Safety (Mandatory)

  • Basic Defensive Pistol Skills

  • Drawing from Concealment

  • Loading and Stoppage Remediation

  • Mindset

     Students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range.

Students will receive two NRA reference books, take an NRA CCW Student Examination and upon successful completion of the course, receive a certificate bearing the signature of the NRA Secretary and the NRA Certified Instructor.

Participants must provide:

-Personal firearm in a minimum caliber of 9mm or .38spl

-Strong-side OWB holster

 (Kydex preferred. Must have at minimum a friction level of retention and fully cover the trigger guard.)

 The following holsters may not be used in this course:

  - Any holster that has a trigger finger actuated release 

  - Ankle

  - Belly bands

  - Pocket

  - Small of the back

  - Appendix

-200 rounds of factory ammunition

-Three magazines for a semi-auto pistol

-Two speedloaders for a revolver

-Mag/speed loader pouch/holder 

-Eye and ear protection (electronic preferred)

-Cover garment (Zip-front preferred)


NRA Personal Protection In the Home

This 8 hour course focuses on the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family. It also provides information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense.  This course is for experienced shooters, able to show mastery of the basic skills of safe gun handling, shooting a group, and cleaning the firearm. Experience can be demonstrated by producing an NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate, or by passing the Pre-Course Assessment.  Students must provide their own firearm, approximately 100 rounds of ammunition and eye/ear protection. Holsters may be used for gun storage on the range, however, the course of fire is NOT conducted by drawing from a holster. 

Students will receive The Basics of Personal Protection Inside the Home handbook and a certificate upon successful completion of the course. $250/person + range fee

NRA Basic Rifle Shooting

This course teaches the basic knowledge and skills necessary for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting. This course is at least 8 hours long and includes classroom and range time. You will learn to shoot from the benchrest and standing positions, with the option to learn kneeling, sitting and prone positions. 

There are no prerequisites for this course. You will receive The Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook and a certificate upon successful completion of the course. $225/person + range fee


Inner 10 Training Classes

Pistol Fundamental Skill Builder

Class length:  3 hours 

Cost:  $135 + range fee

Max.# of participants: 2  

This class is for students who own and are familiar with their own firearm, have taken a Basic Pistol Course and can demonstrate safe gun handling techniques. This class will provide in-depth instruction in the fundamentals of pistol shooting.   

Participants must bring the following equipment:

  • Handgun

  • Ammunition – 50 rounds of FACTORY ammunition

  • Extra Magazines/speedloaders - 2

  • Eye & Ear Protection


Pistol Proficiency

When: Every other Thursday 

Where: The Cabin Armory and Training Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Cost: $46


This class is an intermediate level class, intended for individuals who can demonstrate the basic rules of safe firearm handling and are familiar with the operation of their pistol.

Note: Attendees can shoot the courses of fire either from a holster or by retrieving the firearm from a table or barrel.

The class will focus on the fundamentals of pistol shooting beyond that of a basic level, addressing practical defensive and competition applications.

All instruction will take place downrange of the shooting stalls and be designed to cover the following:

  • Grip

  • Stance 

  • Trigger control

  • Steps of the holster draw/presentation (where applicable)

  • Presentation 

  • Target transitions

  • Use of static cover positions

  • Moving between multiple points of cover

  • Movement while shooting

Participants must bring the following equipment:

  • Handgun (Min. caliber -.380/.38special)

  • Ammunition – 100 

  • Extra Magazines (2-3 total)/speedloaders - 2 (Three total)

  • Eye & Ear Protection (Electronic preferred)


CCW Skill Builder

Class length:  3 hours 

Cost: $135 + range fee


Prerequisites: NRA Basic CCW Course

This class is for students who have taken the NRA Basic CCW Course. This class will provide in-depth instruction in the fundamentals of carrying a concealed handgun and the fundamentals of defensive shooting. 

In this class students will work on the following:

  • Exercising mature judgment

  • Use of cover garments

  • Safe drawing and holstering of a firearm

  • Clearing malfunctions

  • Reloads

  • Defensive shooting fundamentals

Participants must bring the following equipment:

  • Handgun (Min. caliber -.380/.38special)

  • Strong-side OWB or IWB leather or kydex (NO trigger finger actuated holsters allowed)

  • Ammunition – 125 to150 rounds

  • Extra Magazines (2-3 total)/speedloaders - 2 (Three total)

  • Magazine/speedloader pouch

  • Eye & Ear Protection

  • Cover garment 


Intro to Defensive Handgun

Class length: 4 hours 

Cost:  $150 + range fee


This class is for students who own and are familiar with their own firearm and can demonstrate the 4 main rules of safe gun handling. Note: The course of fire in this class is NOT shot from a holster. 

In this class students will work on the following:

  • Defensive mindset

  • Defensive shooting fundamentals

  • Clearing malfunctions

Participants must bring the following equipment:

  • Handgun (Min. caliber -.380/.38special)

  • 100 to125 rounds of FACTORY ammunition

  • Extra Magazines/speedloaders - 2 (Three total)

  • Eye & ear protection


Holsters 101

Class length: 2 hours 

Cost:  $30

Min.# of participants: 2

This class will address the following aspects of choosing and using a holster to carry a concealed pistol:

  • Lifestyle

  • Types of holsters

  • Body fit/type 

  • Holster position/placement on body

  • Choosing a firearm for concealed carry   


The Art of the Draw

Class length: 3 hours 

Cost: $135 + range fee

Max.# of participants: 6

This class is for individuals who are familiar with the 4 main rules of safe gun handling, are proficient in the parts and operation of his/her firearm and are proficient in the basic fundamentals of shooting. 

In this class students will work on the following:​

  • Steps of the draw

  • Clearing cover garments

  • Reloads

  • Clearing malfunctions 

Participants must bring the following equipment:

  • Handgun (Min. caliber -.380/.38special)

  • Strong side OWB or IWB holster suitable for concealed carry (NO trigger finger actuated, ankle, pocket or  belly band holsters allowed)

  • 50 rounds of FACTORY ammunition

  • Extra Magazines/speedloaders - 2 (Three total)

  • Magazine holder/speedloader pouch

  • Eye & ear protection​


Defensive Pistol Techniques

When: Every other Wednesday 

Where: The Cabin Armory and Training Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Cost: $46

Min. # of participants: 4

Max. # of participants: 6


If you have made the decision to prepare yourself to use a firearm for self-protection, knowing how to use it safely and effectively in a self-defense situation is crucial.


Each week of this class will focus on a different shooting technique that is essential to using a firearm in a self-defense situation. Students will be introduced to the technique, then receive instruction in utilizing the technique through live fire drills. Individual feedback and coaching will be provided.


This class is not designed as a student’s first course and it is not introductory level material. Verification of previous training is required. 
At a minimum to attend you must know and should be able to always follow the 4 Cardinal Rules of Firearms Safety. You also need to be familiar and proficient with the steps of a holster draw and presentation.
Knowledge of your firearm's operation, specifically how to saf
ely load it, unload it, open the action and keep the action open is necessary. 
Required equipment:

  • Handgun in a minimum caliber of .380/.38spl

  • Sturdy, hard-sided OWB or IWB holster which covers your gun's trigger guard and has at least a friction level of retention  (NO trigger finger actuated, ankle, pocket or belly band holsters allowed)

  • Sturdy belt that supports the holster

  • Total of 2-3 magazines or speedloaders

  • Magazine/speed loader pouch

  • 75 - 100 Rounds of FACTORY ammunition 

  • Eye & ear protection (Electronic preferred)

  • Cover garment (optional)​



Handgun Familiarization Seminar

Class length: 2 hours 

Cost:  $30/person

Min.# of participants: 2

This class provides information regarding firearm purchase in PA, types of handguns, ammunition, firearm maintenance, range etiquette, and basic PA firearm laws. 


The Untold Truths of Concealed Carry

There are so many considerations when carrying for self-protection…
-Where am I legally allowed to carry? 
-How do I conceal this device and still be able to access it when seconds count? 
-How should I train? 
We will address legal and ethical responsibilities, lifestyle, firearm & gear selection and the primary & secondary skills necessary for concealed carry.

The seminar will wrap up with a Q&A session. 

*Note: We will not be offering legal advice, as we are not lawyers, however, we will factually present PA carry law information. 


Situational Awareness/Personal Safety Planning

Situational Awareness (SA) is a frame of mind in which you are relaxed yet aware of your surroundings and also aware of whom or what could be of help to you if a problem were to arise.

In this seminar you will learn how to develop the proper mindset to take responsibility for your own security, and to trust your intuition or "gut" feelings when it comes to your surroundings. $30/person

NRA Refuse To Be a Victim Seminar

The single most important step toward ensuring your own safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it. NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program teaches the tips and techniques you need to be alerted to dangerous situations and to avoid becoming a victim. Students will receive the NRA Refuse To Be A Victim handbook and a certificate upon successful completion of the seminar. 

This is typically a 4 hour seminar that can be tailored to your specific needs whether it be in your workplace, school or place of worship. $35/person


Active Incident Response Seminar

This seminar is designed to provide information on how to identify, predict, mitigate and respond to violence. Statistical information regarding violent crimes in the United States is provided as an information source for understanding the rising tide of violence in today's society. In most cases, this training can be conducted in your work environment or place of worship, and will be customized to fit your needs. (Contact us for pricing.) 

Realtor Safety Seminar

This seminar is designed to provide realtors with the skills to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations. Group rates are available. 

Individual Private Instruction

One-on-one instruction is available. Contact us to schedule. 

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