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NRA Instructor Training


NRA Instructor Courses are presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training (BIT), and discipline-specific instructor training.

The Basic Instructor Training (BIT) develops NRA Certified Instructors who possess the knowledge, skills and attitude to conduct NRA Basic Firearm Training Courses. In the BIT, students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and complete an Instructor Training examination.


*The BIT is required for anyone obtaining their initial NRA Instructor Certification or any Certified Instructor who is looking to obtain additional certification(s) and has not completed the BIT in the past two years. 


NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting 

Prerequisites: Instructor Candidates must have successfully completed the Basics of Pistol Shooting Instructor Led Training Course. Proof of completion will be required prior to participation in the Instructor Course. All Instructor Candidates will be required to complete a pre-course qualification in safe gun handling, stoppage remediation and shooting skills. $375 (BIT & Pistol Instr.)


NRA Instructor CCW

Prerequisites: Possession of an Active Certified Pistol rating is a prerequisite for certification as an NRA CCW instructor. Prior to the CCW instructor training, candidates must first complete and pass the student level NRA CCW Course as per NRA Training Policy. All Instructor Candidates must pass the CCW Instructor Level shooting qualification Course of Fire to obtain Instructor Certification. $400


NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting 

Prerequisites: Instructor Candidates must have successfully completed the Basic Rifle Shooting Course. Proof of completion will be required prior to participation in the Instructor Course. All Instructor Candidates will be required to compete a pre-course qualification in safe gun handling, stoppage remediation and shooting skills. $375 (BIT & Rifle Instr.)


NRA Instructor Personal Protection In The Home 

Prerequisites: Instructor Candidates must be an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Prior to the course, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in a pre-course qualification. $400 (BIT & PPITH Instr.)


NRA Instructor Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home 

Prerequisites: Instructor Candidates must be both an NRA Certified Pistol and Personal Protection In The Home Instructor. Candidates must have attended an NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home course and passed the student exam with a score of 90% or better. $400 (BIT & PPOTH Instr.)


NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Development Workshop

Women and men interested in becoming Refuse To Be A Victim® instructors attend a one to two-day Instructor Development Workshop to acquire the training and credentials required to teach Refuse To Be A Victim Seminars in the community. The workshop takes about 12 hours to complete.

Instructor Development Workshops are taught by Regional Counselors and begin with a Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar. In general, seminars heighten public awareness of what can and should be done to stay safe. The workshop then focuses on the technical aspects of the program; instructor expectations; certification guidelines; speaking and presentation skills; and marketing strategies. $325


NRA Chief Range Safety Officer 

Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Contact us for pricing.



Contact Inner10 Firearms Training at with any questions regarding NRA Instructor Certification. 






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